Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What is communication (cont.) ?

C. K. Ogden sees communication as the means to purge semantic dissonance and thereby open a path to more rational social relations.

accurate sharing of consciousness and "science of symbolism."

they view language as a necessary but flawed instrument: words... are at present a very imperfect means of communication.

Language ties us dangerously to our primeval origins.

Tens of thousands years have elapsed since we shed our tails, but we are still communicating with a medium developed to meet the needs of arboreal man.

the word-magic (beliefs that the name gives power over the thing) are still prominent in 20th century.

whereas propaganda preyed on atavistic word madness, semantic analysis would provide a medium of communication for the needs of modern scientific men and women.

Many troubles results from mixing the symbolic and emotive functions of languages - the same words being used at once to make statements and to excite attitudes. (one word, many uses.)

since meaning is in the mind of the beholder, the labyrinth of solipsism (the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist) always looms.

hence the horror of populating the universe with anchorless meaning.

Communication is not the coordination of action, but a matching of minds.

A language transaction or a communication may be defined as a use of symbols in such a way that acts of reference occur in a hearer which are similar in all relevant respects to those which are symbolized by them in the speakers.

The criterion of successful communication remains the identity of consciousness between speaker and hearer.
Psychology therefore remains the best science for studying communication.

contact between minds via some delicate and error-prone sign medium.
Communication is rare and fragile as crystal. Their mentalism (the theory that physical and psychological phenomena are ultimately explicable only in terms of a creative and interpretative mind) logically entails the specter of miscommunication.
Lippmann's remedy is expert (elite) rule. Ogden's remedy is to educate the public to raise the level of communication through direct study o fits conditions, its dangers and its difficulties.
The practical side of this undertaking is, if communication be taken in its widest sense, Education.

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