Saturday, December 21, 2013

Friedrich von Flotow: "Ach so fromm" from "Martha" (words by Wilhelm Friedrich Riese.) Sung by Jonas Kaufmann

When first I saw that form endearing,

Sorrow from me seem'd to depart:

Each graceful look, each word so cheering,

Charm'd my eye and won my heart.

Full of hope, and all delighted,

None could feel more blest than I;

All on earth I then could wish for,

Was near her to live and die:

But alas! 'twas idle dreaming,

And the dream too soon hath flown;

Not one ray of hope is gleaming;

I am lost, yes I am lost, for she is gone.

When first I saw that form endearing,

Sorrow from me seem'd to depart:

Each graceful look, each word so cheering,

Charm'd my eye and won my heart.

Martha, Martha, I am sighing,

I am weeping still for thee;

Come thou lost one, come though dear one,

Thou alone can'st comfort me:

Ah! Martha return! Come to me.

Ach! so fromm, ach so traut,
Hat mein Auge sie erschaut;
Ach! so mild, und so rein
Drang ihr Bild in's Herz mir ein.
Banger Gram, eh' sie kam,
Hat die Zukunft mir umhüllt,
Doch mit ihr blühte mir
Neues Dasein lusterfüllt.
Weh! Es schwand, was ich fand, ach!
Mein Glüch erschauf ich kaum,
Bin erwacht und die Nacht
Raubte mir den süssen traum.
Martha! Martha!
Du entschwandest, und mein Glück
Nahmst Du mit Dir;
Gib mir wieder, was Du fandest,
Oder theile es mit mir.

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