Thursday, July 18, 2013

COM 325 / Week Four Discussion: Why are Mexicans proud of the pre-Columbian era (300 BCE - 1519 CE) ?

          Even though 90% of the population was decimated immediately following the Spanish Conquest that began in 1519, most Mexicans (whom are actually more directly descended from the conquistadors than the natives) now identify strongly with their pre-Columbian heritage. Can you explain why?


  1. Mexicans closer identify with the pre-Columbian heritage because it was the period in the country’s history where the native peoples were the most advanced in art, agriculture and sciences. The people of Mexico don’t like to think of the history when their ancestors were over taken and the population, arts, beliefs, etc.. were decimated. Prior to the invasion of the Spanish explorers and the complete take over destruction of the Olmec, Maya, Tolec , and Aztec Indians these groups thrived and flourished. In the hundreds of years since these groups were destroyed and the culture and knowledge that had been passed down and expanded upon long before most other cultures were doing the same. In the years since there have been multiple wars in which many Mexicans lost their land, lives and pride. The knowledge of what the people of their country had accomplished and what they still see today it is very understandable that the pre-Columbian era would be the place that the current population wishes it could be and why they celebrate and try to emulate. A time in history where the peoples of Mexico worked together for a mostly peaceful existence and survival is how many want it to be now by remembering and celebrating this past the present and future generations can work towards living peacefully.

  2. Before 1519 during the pre-Columbian era the Olmec, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec civilizations existed throughout what is now considered Mexico. Modern day Mexicans are extremely proud of this period of their history due to the advanced achievements that were made by their civilization that rivaled the European countries. Some of these achievements included the building of temples and pyramids, mathematics, astrology, medicine and theology. The Mayas were advanced in mathematics and astronomy; they developed the concept of “zero” before it was discovered in Europe and created one of the world’s most accurate calendars. The modern day Mexicans are likely the most proud of this era in their history because of these advanced accomplishments. Even today the Mexican legends, artistic heritage, architecture and food are an integral part of the Mexican heritage. The Mexicans are likely proud of the peaceful times of prosperity before the Spanish conquerors came to the Yucatan peninsula in 1519 resulting in death, destruction and subjugation of the natives. It is estimated that 90% of the native population were killed by the Spanish occupation by 1650 due to slaying, starvation, disease and being overworked.

  3. I have always thought of Mexico as a very proud country. They truly are proud of their heritage and culture. During the pre-Columbian heritage they had a culture rich in creative arts, agriculture and large settlements. They have had groups of people who have been more advanced than their time in mathematics, astronomy and had religious and social structure that has been around for thousands of years. They are very proud of these moments in their history because these things happened during a period of time where only their native inhabitants were around. They had not been infiltrated by other cultures and they were able to accomplish a lot during their time.
