Tuesday, April 9, 2013

COM 250 / Week 2 Discussion: Class identity: Why are we aversive to talking about it?

       Ninety percent of our population identifies themselves as middle class while there are huge income gap among these middle class people (from quarter million to 20k). We Americans have deep aversion to discussing openly our social class identity. Our media tend to make us believe we are living in a classless society. TV shows try hard to erase social class identity so they can be accepted by largest number of audience. But we all know class identity is over there and it is a very defining factor in our life and our communication. Is it time for us to openly discuss our social class identity so we can accurate perceive the inequality in our society?


  1. No matter where you go in the world, there will always be a sense of social class identity until we can have a world without murder, famine, poverty, and greed. With everything that goes on in the world, especially the U.S..... Money makes the world go... and all the above things that I've mentioned hold true from this. Another truth about social class identity could be true with religion. In some religions, wealthier people chose to take to it, while others chose to take to another. All in all, It'll never end because the past is bound to repeat itself.

  2. Wow, people choose religion based on class identity, I first heard of it. Somebody give me example about it?

  3. Well, look at the jewish community... Most rich people now days are converting into the jewish religion especially movie stars and musicians. Because they are rich and the jewish communities are mostly about that in hollywood and such.
