Tuesday, April 9, 2013

COM 250 / Week 2 Discussion: Self-esteem, overrated?

  Recently I came across a video called "self-esteem, overrated." It related to the discussion in our textbook about self-concept and identity. My question is, does self-esteem prevent us from facing the true reality? Are we addicted to this distorting mirror like Harry Potter kept going back to the mirror called "erised"? 

self esteem is overrated

    The problem is, even if a person with good self-esteem (- feeling good about himself?) can in some way surround themselves with people and thing that make them happy, they sometimes don't have a choice to have that luxury. They have to live with people who won't make them happy. How to deal with this kind of reality? 
    Self-esteem is overrated and wrong exactly because it can create a false reality surround a person with certain reality so they can not deal with the true reality. 
    In my life, I have read some self-improvement books and try to control things around me. I end up hiding from the true reality. I create a reality which is a paper house. Eventually it will be torn down by the storm of reality. 
    So I try to get used to true reality and try to forget this silly self-esteem stuff. Both good and bad, high and low self-esteem is kid stuff you see in kindergarten. When we grow up, we can not depend on it. It is vanilla, totally a turn-off. 


  1. Self esteem can make or break a person. High self esteem can empower a person especially if they are well liked in their society or "bubble" of friends they hang out with. High self esteem can also be a bad thing, as if someone thinks they are above everyone else. Low self esteem is harder to get over due to the fact that most times than not, they don't have friends and are picked on a lot in school. Having people around you will always pick your self esteem up.

  2. To maintain the high self-esteem, we might end up paying dearly for it.

  3. In the long run, we will pay for it. Due to the fact that we probably won't like what we see of ourselves once it's done and over with.

  4. I don't think that self-esteem shields us from reality. The people with good self-esteem surround themselves with people and things that make them happy which is a reality that they put themselves in. Others with low self-esteem need to surround themselves with people and things that make them happy because if the low self-esteem remains then they will slowly become unhappy or even more unhappy with their lives. Changing a few things can dramatically change how a person views their self and their reality will change with them.

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  6. I think self esteem is a very major challenge in our generation. We live in today's society that is fast paced and ever changing world. These changes are largely a result of our various technological and informational breakthrough. I think the above changes do make our life easier and very convenient, but then it decreases the personal stability that we were enjoying once. With all these changes no matter how large or small, it affects people's lives in different ways. It does prevents us from true reality because to the internal and external factors. Internal which come from within that how we treat our self. And then the external factors that comes from outside, such as the environment in which we live and work. External factors affects me more because it turns to make me think and feel about myself more. I can think back to times in my life when my self esteem reflected the choices I made through the hardship and challenges I went through. There were some choice I made were good and some I regret and it lowered my self-esteem. Though self esteem prevents us from facing true reality but if we will give ourselves plenty of room to grow into a strong, powerful and confident person than we will eventually achieve the true potential in our life.
